Jacqui teaches print workshops in Shropshire, Birmingham, North & Mid Wales and also at Westhope College, Shropshire.  She also teaches print as part of exhibitions and funded projects in museum, and heritage venues. 

Workshops & COURSES 2024


Nine weekends at Westhope College

Tutor: Jacqui Dodds

*** Check back for future dates***

Westhope College, near Craven Arms, Shropshire  SY7 9JL     01584 861293  

introduction to Lino Printing with Jacqui Dodds

Thursday 5th September 2024 10.00am to 4.00pm £80

Lino printing is an exciting and popular technique of printmaking, this workshop is suitable for beginners or those wanting to refresh their techniques.  Participants will use their own design or image (no bigger than A5) to produce a one coloured lino print and will learn about different lino tool and inks.

You will transfer your designs onto vinyl, use lino tools to cut out the design, ink up your lino block and print onto paper using a small etching press.

All materials, a light lunch, teas & coffee included

(If you do have lino tools, please being them along, if not that’s fine as I will provide them)

Please bring an apron or something similar to protect clothing.

Places are limited.

Please follow link to book a place and for further information:  


Westhope College, Westhope, Craven Arms, Shropshire, SY7 9JL

Tel: 01584 861293 email: info@westhope.org.uk

Lino cut prints from previous workshop students

Mono Print with collage

MONO PRINTING WITH Collage                

Thursday 26th Sepetmber 2024 10.00 am - 4.00 pm £80

Create a line drawing and collage using a mixture of collage, mono printing and other media.  This method, called direct trace drawing, produces a linear monotype that has a unique soft edged quality similar to the tone and line in soft ground etching.

Begin by using torn paper to make a simple collage, then rolling up printmaking ink onto a sheet of Perspex, draw on the back of the collage to transfer a mono print drawing on top of it.

Take your work further by working on top of the image with media of your choice, watercolour, inks, watercolour pastel etc.

All materials included.

Please contact Westhope College to book:

01584 861293   info@westhope.org.uk

Westhope College, near Craven Arms, SY7 9JL, Shropshire      

Screen print with paper stencils

screen printing with paper stencils                    

***Please check back for future dates***

Westhope College, near Craven Arms Shropshire       01584 861293   info@westhope.org.uk

Monoprint and Collage

MONO PRINTING WITH Collage                   

Tuesday 20th February 2024 11.00 am - 4.00 pm £65/£60

Create an exciting print using a mixture of mono printing, collage and other media. You will start with torn paper to make a simple collage which you will overlay with your own mono print design. Continue working on top of the image with media of your choice (inks, watercolour, pastels etc.).

All materials included.

Please contact RBSA Gallery to book:

0121 236 4353 rbsagallery@rbsa.org.uk

RBSA Gallery, 4 Brook Street, St Paul’s Square, Birmingham, B3 1SA 

Lino cut Pointsettia


**** Dates to follow ***

Westhope College, near Craven Arms Shropshire       01584 861293   info@westhope.org.uk